Fin whale.

Whale may have died after eating plastic bag

Originally believed to be a minke whale, a postmortem revealed it to be a fin whale. It was the fifth fin whale to be stranded in the county for the last 25 years.

Scars on its 10.7m (36ft) body brought forward the possibility that the whale might have been struck by a ship's propeller, but this has not yet been confirmed. A spokesman from the Coastguard said that the propeller wounds were probably caused by a collision with a ship after it died.

Instead, he offered another possibility: "It probably died of contamination after eating a plastic bag or something similar."

Porites cylindrica. Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Compact branches in a sheltered lagoon.
Porites cylindrica. Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Compact branches in a sheltered lagoon.

Coral able to protect skeleton against ocean acidification

Image at the top:  Great Barrier Reef, Australia. An intertidal 'micro-atoll'. Photo: Isobel Bennett.

Coral colonies of P. cylindrica have a unique internal solution to the problem of forming their skeletons and building reef structures in the face of rising ocean acidification.

King crab in the Barents sea

King crabs threaten Antarctic ecosystem

Rising temperature of the ocean west of the Antarctic Peninsula - one of the most rapidly warming places on the planet - should make it possible for king crab populations to move to the shallow continental shelf from their current deep-sea habitat within the next several decades, researchers from Florida Institute of Technology find