A sixgill shark equipped with an instrument package returns to deep water.
A sixgill shark equipped with an instrument package returns to deep water.

Researchers Find that Deep Sea Sharks are Bouyant

In a study published recently, scientists from UH Mānoa and the University of Tokyo revealed that two species of deep-sea sharks, sixgill and prickly sharks, are positively buoyant – they have to work harder to swim downward than up, and they can glide uphill for minutes at a time without using their tails.

Canadian eel tracked to Sargasso Sea

For the first time, Canadian researchers have tracked an adult female eel from Nova Scotia to the northern edge of the Sargasso Sea with a satellite tracker, a 45-day journey of 2,400 kilometres. For a century, scientists have been baffled as to how baby eels appear in the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda when adults have only been found in faraway places like Canada's St. Lawrence River.

The vaquita marina is the world's smallest porpoise.

Near-extinct porpoise sighted in Mexico

An international scientific expedition in Mexico's Gulf of California has spotted up to 25 critically endangered vaquita marina, the world's smallest porpoise. The sightings occurred during the first 20 days of the Vaquita Expedition 2015, which commenced on September 26th. However, scientists caution that some individuals may have been counted more than once.