Hungry shrimp innovate more
Both size and hunger drove the prawns to innovate to get food, but only under certain circumstances

Hungry shrimps get smarter

Behavioural innovation is thought to play an important role in enabling animals to cope with environmental change. Research on animal innovation has focused on terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates, but few animals face environmental variation as extreme as those living in littoral zones, where physical and social conditions change dramatically from moment to moment.

Photo of the SS Hydrus cira 1913. This ship sank on November 11, 1913 during the Great Lakes Storm of 1913

102-Year-old shipwreck discovered in Lake Huron

Last July, David Trotter, a shipwreck hunter who had spent 30 years searching for a century-old ship, and a team of divers finally located the missing vessel: a 436-foot steamship named Hydrus, which sunk during the Great Lakes Storm of 1913.

The ship, carrying a load of iron ore, was headed for the shelter of the St. Clair River off of Lake Huron when a terrible blizzard struck the region. During the storm, which struck in early November, more than 19 ships were lost and 250 sailors died, reported Garret Ellison for The Grand Rapids Press.

Carcinus maenas is a common littoral crab, and an important invasive species, listed among the 100 "world's worst alien invasive species".

Ocean acidification may well be helping invasive species

Ocean acidification affects biological processes in a wide range of marine taxa.

A new study, published in Research and Reports in Biodiversity Studies, notes that in the tropics, coral reefs face a host of interconnected problems (bleaching, corrosion, disease, spreading seaweed, invasive species) that are all caused by rising CO2 levels.

Egypt's vital tourism industry is already feeling the pressure of a dramatic fall in holidaymakers. (Filephoto)

Shoddy security in Sharm costing Red Sea operators dearly

incompetent or complicit Egyptian security was probably involved in the Oct. 31 crash of a Russian passenger jet in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday.

As authorities investigate whether a bomb could have been smuggled aboard Metrojet Flight 9268, CNN has seen private security personnel in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, using handheld bomb detectors that British officials and security experts say just don't work.