Mares Acquires rEvo Rebreathers

Paul Raymaekers, CEO of rEvo issued the following statement.

"After more than 10 years of creating, developing and growing rEvo, and knowing that none of my children will or can continue this business, I realised already some time ago that the only way to keep rEvo going, was to look for a partner that had common interests. A strong partner, that was already in the diving business, and had the strength and will to take this work further.

It took months of talking, negotiating, working out synergies, but in the end it became clear that we found the correct ‘modus vivendi’.

Enter NUPG's 'Splash-In Underwater Photography Competition'

The competition will commence at 07:00 and close at 22:00. All images must be taken on the day.

All underwater photographers are welcome to join in the fun whilst diving the Anglesey or North Wales coastline. You can shore dive or boat dive. The choice is yours. It doesn't matter if you have just got your first compact camera and are starting to take photos, or you are a seasoned diver with a beautiful SLR, the NUPG would love to see your photos.

To Shark Dive or Not to Shark Dive

It was seven in the morning and my coffee hadn’t kicked in yet. The dive guide was giving me a slightly more thorough dive briefing than normal. I wasn’t supposed to wear anything colorful or shiny, and black gloves and a hood were required. Also covered in black neoprene, he was putting on chainmail gloves and told me he’d have a pole with him. He said it was more for the potato cods though, not the sharks.