'World's Best Wildlife Dive Sites' London Book Launch

Reed New Holland are publishing a new book in August entitled "World's Best Wildlife Dive Sites". This hardback coffee table book covers 32 underwater wildlife experiences from around the world and has been authored by a Brit husband and wife team.

Underwater photographers - Nick and Caroline Robertson-Brown - have degrees in biology. Handy knowledge when it comes to shooting marine life.

HDS, John Bevan, Historical Diving Society, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, The Underwater Marketing Company
The Historical Diving Society

Dates Announced for 26th Historical Diving Conference

Be it equipment, technique, physiology, photography or biology, divers have the ability to study to their personal level and interest. One aspect that is often overlooked by most divers is the history of diving.

The UK has a rich resource when it comes to this subject. Indeed the Historical Diving Society (HDS) was formed in the UK in 1990, and has subsequently grown into an international organisation with members and offshoot societies around the world.

South China Sea row: Hague Tribunal rules in favor of Philippines, China to ignore decision

South China Sea: International Tribunal backs Philippines in case against China

China claims almost all of the South China Sea, including reefs and islands also claimed by others. The Permanent Court of Arbitration said there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources.

Dahlia Anemone

Scottish Snorkel Trail Unveiled

The SWT – which receives funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation – has also confirmed that Scotland's first snorkel trail has been created in the north west Highlands. The idea is that the snorkel trail is self-led.

Tourism Secretary Fiona Hyslop stated “The snorkel trail is an innovative approach to marine and coastal planning that encourages use of existing infrastructure to help tourism diversification like this."