Destination News

Bahamas Diving Association Member Update after Hurricane Dorian

All 32 members of the association offer our condolences to the families of those lives lost during the storm.

We have in fact heard from all our operators, and the only adversely affected areas are sadly the Abacos and portions of Grand Bahama Island. All the rest of the country’s 32 resorts, dive operators and liveaboards are up and running on their normal dive schedules.

Dahlia Anemone

Scottish Snorkel Trail Unveiled

The SWT – which receives funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation – has also confirmed that Scotland's first snorkel trail has been created in the north west Highlands. The idea is that the snorkel trail is self-led.

Tourism Secretary Fiona Hyslop stated “The snorkel trail is an innovative approach to marine and coastal planning that encourages use of existing infrastructure to help tourism diversification like this."

Great White Shark
Great White Shark

Stewart Island shark cage diving creates controversy

A New Zealand parliamentary select committee has raised concerns about the potential human risk from shark cage diving around Stewart Island. The Local Government and Environment Committee published a report considering a petition calling for the Department of Conservation (DOC) to immediately and permanently cease shark diving. The petition was created by Stewart Island resident Helen Cave and signed by 768 people.

(File photo) Philippine reef landscape. Look, but do not touch!

Touching corals punishable by law in the Philippines

PENRO chief Charlies Fabre has issued a warning to visiting scuba divers after at least two photos had been posted on Facebook by an environmentalist who frequented Apo Island showing a diver using a poker and touching corals. It turned out that this was a somewhat common practice among some scuba divers.

Fabre said he would ask the Protected Area Superintendent Efren Rombawa, who is also the chief of the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office on Apo Island, to look into the matter.