Tech and Training

Bailout CCR Course standards outlined

Diver wearing a sidemounted bailout rebreather
Diver wearing a sidemounted bailout rebreather

Rebreathers are great pieces of kit that do away with the need to carry an excessive amount of dive cylinders on deeper dives. However, this advantage is offset by the need to also carry additional open circuit cylinders on which a diver can bail out in case of a rebreather malfunction. Using another rebreather could be a better solution and to that end, a bailout rebreather course has been developed.

Buddy Dive Resort hosts 10th edition Bonaire TeK

Buddy Dive Resort is proud to host the 10th edition of this popular event and is looking forward to catching up with friends, learning new things, and exploring new depths.

This year there will be presentations and clinics from Lamar Hires -Dive Rite, Randy Thornton - SubGravity, Frauke Tillmans -DAN, Guy Shockey - GUE, Michael Menduno - Indepth, Gabriel Pineda - Shear water and Didier Draguiv - O’Dive Systems.

Buddy Dive’s Tec Coordinator Mr. G about the 10th Anniversary of Bonaire TeK

Cave Diving: The Final Frontier...

Cave diver in Cenote Tak Be Luum near Tulum, Mexico
Cave diver in Cenote Tak Be Luum near Tulum, Mexico. Photo by Daniel Millikovsky

When one thinks about cave diving, the feelings are mixed and it is very difficult to express what it feels like in a single word, but perhaps a possible description is “to live the discovery.” Discovery is an experience and an intrinsic need in human beings since before the discovery of fire.

Master Liveaboards announces the passing of Martin Cridge, Captain of Truk Master

His passing is incredibly unexpected and shocking to everyone who knew him and worked with him.

There are very few people that knew more, or were more passionate about the wrecks and the diving in Chuuk and Bikini. Anyone who dived with him will have felt his infectious enthusiasm. Everyone who dealt directly with him at Master Liveaboards and The Dirty Dozen felt it too.

Tips for Mixed Teams of OC & CCR Divers

Mixed OC & CCR dive team. Photo by Michael Rothschild
Mixed team of open circuit and closed circuit rebreather dive buddies. Photo by Michael Rothschild

Nowadays, more and more recreational divers are coming into contact with technical rebreather divers, perhaps even being buddied up with one on a dive. What follows are some good things for open circuit divers to know about closed circuit rebreathers. Michael Rothschild gives us a quick glimpse into rebreather diving and what one can expect when diving in a mixed team.