
Breaching humpback whale
Breaching humpback whale (pixabay license)

Southern Hemisphere whale-call research highlights need for MPA network

The “whup” and “grumble” sounds recorded by hydrophones moored in the Vema Seamount in the Atlantic Ocean, 1,000km northwest of Cape Town in South Africa, suggest this location could be an important stop on the whales’ migration route to polar feeding grounds.

Most of the calls were recorded over a period of three nights in the spring of 2019, with low “whups” being heard most frequently. This is an important discovery as the “whup” is a contact call used by mother-calf pairs to help them locate each other. Furthermore, humpbacks also “whup” while feeding.

Newly-hatched deepwater ghost shark (Hydrolagus sp). Photo by Brit Finucci
Newly-hatched deepwater ghost shark (Hydrolagus sp). Photo by Brit Finucci

Rare, newly hatched ghost shark found in trawling survey

A neonate (newly hatched) ghost shark was found in the net during a trawling survey at about 1,200 metres below sea level. The survey had been conducted by NIWA to estimate the population of blue grenadier (hoki fish) at the Chatham Rise, off New Zealand’s South Island.

Its body was translucent and gelatinous, and it had two giant eyes on its pointed head—with a belly full of egg yolk. "You can tell this ghost shark recently hatched because it has a full belly of egg yolk," said Brit Finucci, a fisheries scientist from National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).

Warner -v- Scapa Flow Charters Court Case: Successfully overturned

Scotland's highest civil court published their Opinion of the Court on 10 May 2022, and ruled that fault or neglect on the part of Scapa Charters "is not established".

The Opinion states "The Lord Ordinary wrongly concluded that walking in fins represented an unacceptable risk...The inference drawn by the Lord Ordinary was unreasonable. The divers' unchallenged evidence made it clear that putting on fins and then walking to the exit point was almost invariable practice.

Eugenie Clark Stamp
Eugenie Clark Stamp

Eugenie Clark Stamp

By Larry Cohen & Olga Torrey

Eugenie Clark received many honors, including the Explorers Club Medal, Franklin L. Burr Award from the National Geographic Society, and the Medal of Excellence from the American Society of Oceanographers. In addition, in 2018, a newly discovered species of dogfish shark was named Squalus clarkae in her honor.

Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) Launches a Comprehensive Project Diver Program in 2022

Global Underwater Explorers
Global Underwater Explorers

GUE diver training programs are now reaching new heights with an exploration-grade level of diver training, designed to support the globally significant diving projects for which the organization is well known. GUE’s new Project Diver program distills the agency’s decades of project experience into a program that will support the elevation of community-led, project dives to an entirely new level of sophistication.

It is not too late to register online prior to attending #MIDE2022. This is to avoid long queues. To register, go to

Pre-register for MIDE 2022 and learn about great prizes

Purchaser Lucky Draw

At every MIDE, there are prize giveaways, and this year is no different. If you purchase more than RM300 at the show, you can enter the Purchaser Lucky Draw. Here is a quick glimpse of the top four fabulous prizes:

Diving Talks presents 'The Discussion Everybody Will Want to Hear'

This panel discussion will include Mark Caney, Mark Powell and Jean Claude Monachon talking about diving through the perspective of the three biggest agencies: PADI, SDI and SSI.

Mark Caney is a PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) Industry Relations and Training Executive, he is President of the European Underwater Federation, President of the Rebreather Training Council and President of the World Recreational Scuba Training Council.

Mark Powell is the SDI (Scuba Diving International) Director of Global Development.