SubGravity Wetnotes

SubGravity Wetnotes
SubGravity Wetnotes

Designed for underwater writing, this waterproof notebook of plastic paper from the Utah-based American dive equipment manufacturer is wrapped with a cover of heavy duty Cordura. It comes with a non-wood pencil and slots for other pencils and a compass, as well as an eye for hooking a double end bolt snap.

Capturing Emotion in Underwater Photography

Fish photographed from the front
A head-on photograph of a fish allows one to “look the fish in the eye,” arousing many more emotions in the viewer. Photo by Cristian Umili

When immersing ourselves in the underwater world, we experience a flood of emotions—both in relation to the depths and to being in an environment that is not our own, in which we can almost fly. But our encounters with marine life excite us even more, especially with sharks, dolphins and huge shoals of fish, but also small and colourful nudibranchs, or microscopic shrimps.

Why paying for things abroad in home currency is a bad idea

International customers are increasingly exposed to dynamic currency conversion (DCC), that is, the option during checkout to proceed with a transaction in the home currency instead of a foreign currency.

Exorbitant fees

However, one study, cited by CNN, shows the average fee applied to this kind of conversion is a whopping 7.6%, more than double the cost of paying in the local currency (usually between 1.5% and 3%).