Groundbreaking project maps shipwrecks of The Bahamas

Hidden beneath the serene waters of The Bahamas lay the remnants of approximately 5,000 shipwrecks, entombed for centuries. These relics are finally seeing the light of day, thanks to an innovative project called The Bahamas Lost Ships Project, kickstarted in 2023 by Allen Exploration and In Search of Shipwrecks (ISOS).

176 shipwrecks traced

The project has shed light on the maritime heritage of The Bahamas, particularly along the eastern flank of the Straits of Florida, a maritime corridor frequented since the 15th century.

One of the three shipwrecks found in Tunisia's Skerki Bank during a 2022 expedition
One of the three shipwrecks found in Tunisia's Skerki Bank during a 2022 expedition

UNESCO-led mission discovers three ancient shipwrecks off Tunisian coast

According to reports, these shipwrecks are believed to date back to Roman times. Although the Mediterranean Sea is known for its rich history of maritime trade and naval warfare, the discovery of intact ancient shipwrecks remains a rare occurrence.

The shipwrecks were discovered during an operation intended to protect underwater heritage. UNESCO and the eight participating Member States launched this mission, recognizing the critical value of these sites in understanding our collective past.

Orcas photographed off the southern side of Unimak Island, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Orcas photographed off the southern side of Unimak Island, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska

Orcas battling strange skin disease

Scientists studying endangered southern resident orcas have noticed a steady increase of mysterious gray patches and gray targets (circular lesions which may appear on concentric rings – ed.) on the whales’ skin from 2004 to 2016. 

To date, researchers managed to identify six distinct types of lesions, with the two most common types being gray patches or targets. Some resemble tattooed skin.

They do not know the cause of the lesions and are worried that they could be due to underlying health problems in the struggling population.