Framing in Underwater Photography: Contributors' Picks

Photo by Kate Jonker: Using the light of a snoot to frame a subject against a black background. Horned blenny, Blousteen, Gordon’s Bay, South Africa. Gear: Canon R5 camera, Canon 100mm macro lens, Marelux MX-R5 housing, Inon Z-240 strobe, Marelux SOFT Pro snoot. Exposure: ISO 320, f/20, 1/200s.

What does a “frame within a frame” look like in underwater photography? We asked our contributors to share their favorite photos that use “framing” to draw attention to the subject in the image, and they came back with a range of macro to wide-angle shots, featuring a variety of marine life, as well as divers, in wrecks and on reefs. 

Generative Fill in Underwater Photographs

Original photo superimposed over Generative Fill created in Photoshop

Artificial intelligence has been in the news lately, especially generative AI. It seems like every industry is trying to put this technology into their products, including image-processing apps. Michael Rothschild takes a closer look and gives examples in underwater photography.