(Filephoto) Butterfly fish

A Holistic Approach to Coral Reef Health

However, at locations were there was excessive adverse impact (like pollution), the corals did not recover fully, even after eight years.

“You can imagine that when you are recovering from a sickness, it will take a lot longer if you don’t eat well or get enough rest,” said Jessica Carilli, a graduate student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

“Similarly, a coral organism that must be constantly trying to clean itself from excess sediment particles will have a more difficult time recovering after a stressful condition like bleaching.”

Disease and overfishing also affected coral health. In places where there is overfishing, the population of bigger fishes like groupers are either significantly reduced or have vanished.

In the absence of these predatory fishes, other fish species thrive. One such species is the butterflyfish, which feed on coral and appear to be responsible for disease transmission amongst the corals.

In a study, scientists compared seven Marine Protected Areas [MPAs] where fishing had been banned for at least five years, and another seven neighbouring sites with similar diversity.

They discovered that the corals at the latter sites suffered more diseases; in some cases, the difference was twice as many. In addition, many butterflyfish were found at the sites where fishing was allowed, leading to a higher incidence of coral disease.

“I Want to Be an Underwater Photojournalist…Now What?”

The digital age has made underwater photojournalism more accessible than ever and Joseph Tepper will take you through everything it takes to get published: the photography, the writing and even how to how to put it all together. As journalism continues to morph into a multi-media industry the ability to shoot, write and edit assignments will help separate you from the rest of the crowd. Joseph will even give you tips for writing great “query letters” or “pitches” that will grab the attention of editors and make your work more publishable.

”A year in the Life of an Underwater Photo Journalist”

Matt travelled to more than 10 top underwater photography and diving destinations in 2011. He will take a look back at the amazing year of diving while also exploring the less glamorous side of travel journalism. Every once in a while everything turns out perfectly, but more often bad visibility, inclement weather, or uncooperative wildlife make the task difficult. However, its during these difficult situations that you are forced to think differently – and that’s when the most interesting experiences can happen.