Black Girls Dive Foundation scholars will spend 10 weeks this summer working alongside WHOI researchers.

New Programme Empowers Young Black Girls in Marine Science

In a groundbreaking partnership, the Black Girls Dive Foundation (BGDF) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have launched a new programme with a powerful mission. This initiative is aimed at empowering young Black girls to pursue careers in marine science and diving, addressing the lack of diversity in the field.

Kemer village from above. The discovery of its second ancient port offers new insights into the ancient city's role as a significant maritime hub.

Archaeologists Unearth 2,700-Year-Old Roman Port in Parion, Turkey

The underwater studies in Parion, a 2,700-year-old port city from the Roman Empire in Kemer village of Biga district of Çanakkale in northwestern Türkiye, have revealed the presence of the second ancient port of the city. This discovery is the second of its kind in the region and emphasizes Parion's historical significance in Roman trade and military operations.