Shark dorsal fin with shark still attached.

Shark conservation: A critical reassessment needed

Over the past two decades, sharks have become emblematic of the world's threatened wildlife, leading to heightened scientific, regulatory and public scrutiny. However, a recent study challenges the effectiveness of these protective measures, revealing that global shark mortality has not only persisted but increased, despite increased regulations and finning bans.

SDI introduces new scuba instructor certification

This certification aims to recognise dedicated SDI Instructors and provide new professionals with a clear milestone to strive for.

One key objective is to acknowledge the accomplishments of SDI Instructors while encouraging the growth of the next generation of diving professionals. This rating celebrates their achievements and is designed for active SDI instructors committed to producing skilled divers.

South Korea: Diving, Nature Trails & Fine Dining

Hypselodoris festiva nudibranch, or blue dorid, showing off its vivid blue colors. Photo by Drew Holder.

South Korea has a lot to offer underwater photographers, recreational divers, and technical divers, from wall dives and artificial reefs to a variety of marine life and a wide array of nudibranchs, not to mention topside attractions to enjoy between dives, from beautiful nature parks and scenic trails to cultural events and fine dining. Drew Holder gives us an inside look.

Bull shark

Reevaluating shark societies: Challenging the myth of dominance-subordination hierarchies

In 1954, Warder C. Allee and Joshua C. Dickinson conducted an experiment on the smooth dogfish aimed at establishing dominance-subordination hierarchies in Chondrichthyans. This pioneering study, which lacked subsequent testing and analysis, has laid the groundwork for a persistent belief in rigid social structures among sharks. The dominance-subordination hierarchy, which is modelled on the social structure of the chicken, was proposed without convincing evidence in the context of Chondrichthyan vertebrates.