Marine-mammal rescue facility in Florida heading for foreclosure

The all-volunteer MMC spearheaded several rescue efforts of dolphins and small whales that drew international news coverage over the past 20 years, most recently after a 2011 mass stranding of pilot whales in the Lower Keys.

Legal advertisements published in The Reporter this month say the former MMC property will be sold at public auction at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 on the front steps of the Monroe County courthouse on Key West's Whitehead Street.

Staghorn coral found off South Florida

Forests of rare staghorn coral discovered off South Florida

A scientist from Nova Southeastern University's Oceanographic Center found the coral while doing a survey for the environmental agency, which wanted a better map of shallow reef system.

The department of environmental protection wanted a better map of the coral's locations to improve the management of beach-widening, coastal development and other activities that could harm corals, as well as improve responses to incidents such as oil spills and illegal boat anchoring.