Rebreather Forum 3, RF3, rebreather checklists, Human Factors in SCUBA diving, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, The Underwater Marketing Company
A PADI 'Type R' Rebreather Checklist spotted at Divetech's Inner Space rebreather event

Rebreather Checklist Survey!


The discussions included how often checklists are used (if at all), and how effective are they (when they are used).

To date, there has not been any formal studies undertaken to determine checklist use within the community. Now a PhD research project - primarily examining the role of Human Factors in SCUBA diving - is looking at checklist usage.

Common littoral crab (Carcinus maenas)

Crab shell compound makes wounds heal faster

In ancient China crabs were smashed open and thrust into wounds in battles because chitosan is antimicrobial, meaning it heals and kills bacteria.

Chitosan's properties allow it to rapidly clot blood and promote hemostasis (stops bleeding). Chitosan bonds with platelets and red blood cells to form a gel-like clot which seals a bleeding vessel.