Six narwhals swimming in the sea, in an overhead photo
Narwhals are one of the five toothed whale species known to experience menopause.

Study Reveals Extended Lifespan in Menopausal Whale Species

In an intriguing parallel to human biology, females of whale species which experience menopause have evolved extended lifespans, enabling them to support their offspring for longer, according to research by the University of Exeter, the University of York and the Centre for Whale Research.

The study focused on five whale species known to experience menopause. Menopausal female whales tend to live about 40 years longer than males of the same species, giving them extra years to care for their young and grandchildren.

Bill Acker – The Manta Man & Pioneer of Diving in Yap

The island of Yap, a tiny dot in the vast Pacific Ocean, is home to a world-renowned divе resort, embedded in the authentic culture and traditions of the Yapese people. It all happened because of one person whose charisma, enthusiasm and desire to share the thrill of diving became the driving force behind the development of diving in Yap. That person is Bill Acker, founder and owner of Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.