Dealing with Floods

Photo by Larry Cohen
If you work underwater long enough, at some point, you will experience the horror of a flood.

Flooding a camera and other underwater photo gear is a nightmare for all underwater image-makers. Unfortunately, if you work underwater long enough, at some point, you will experience the horror of a flood. Over the years, I have flooded a Nikonos V, a film camera, a housing, several strobes and some dive lights. I have also had minor floods on a few digital camera housings.

Denmark's Øresund & Isefjord

Anemone, Øresund, Denmark. Photo by Morten Bjørn Larsen
Anemone on Anemone Wreck, Øresund, Denmark. Photo by Morten Bjørn Larsen

Diving in Denmark, how does it really measure up? Since Morten Bjørn Larsen lives in Copenhagen, he talks about his favorite dives in and around the island of Zealand, where the capital city is located. Several wrecks in Øresund and a bridge in Isefjord top the list.