A model of the Bremer cog
A model of the Bremer cog

800-year-old shipwreck found off Sweden's West Coast

“The wreck is made from oak, cut between 1233 and 1240, so nearly 800 years ago,” said Staffan von Arbin, a maritime archaeologist at the University of Gothenburg.


Last autumn, the University of Gothenburg conducted archaeological diving inspections along the coast of Bohuslän to find out more about known wrecks on the seafloor. It was during this work that the maritime archaeologists came upon the wreck outside of Fjällbacka, which has been given the name “Dyngökoggen.”

Barred Hamlet (Hypoplectrus puella)
Barred Hamlet (Hypoplectrus puella)

Causes of colour patterns in coral reef fish

The hamlets, a group of reef fishes from the wider Caribbean, sport a stunning array of colours and patterns, but the genetic basis of this morphological variety is unclear.

Although the hamlet lineage is about 26 million years old, the diversification of colours appears to have occurred only within the last 10,000 generations in a burst of diversification that ranks among the fastest in fishes.

An era is about to come to an end. South Sea Whale Fishery, lithographic print published 1835

Iceland poised to end whaling in 2024

Along with Norway and Japan, Iceland is one of only a few countries that still hunt whales commercially.

However, demand for whale meat has decreased dramatically since Japan—Iceland's main market—resumed commercial whaling in 2019, after a 30-year ban. Commercial whaling was banned in a 1986 International Whaling Commission embargo, but Japan withdrew from the IWC in December 2018.