How elephant seals know when to head home

Every year, many marine animals migrate between foraging areas and breeding sites, often managing their movements with precision.

For pregnant female elephant seals, they travel more than 10,000 kilometres across the Eastern North Pacific Ocean annually, before returning to their breeding beaches where they will give birth within five days of their arrival.

How do they achieve such precise timing, without any GPS or navigation software?

The gold letters of the ship's name, alongside ornate scrolling, emerged out of the dark as the ROV approached the wreck.

Atlanta Shipwreck found in Lake Superior after 131 years

The Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society (GLSHS) announced that the wreck of the Atlanta, a three-masted schooner-barge, was located by sonar in the summer of 2021  but the discovery wasn't made public until research had been conducted to give the wreck context, according to Corey Adkins, the communications and content director of GLSHS.

Interview with Videographer & Composer Lorenzo Moscia

Screenshot from Lorenzo Moscia’s video Underwater World
Screenshot from Lorenzo Moscia’s video "Underwater World"

Looking at his body of work, Lorenzo Moscia appears to be a “triple-threat”—he is a photographer / videographer, composer and video editor. He is also a photojournalist and investigative reporter with a law degree, and a technical diver. X-Ray Mag interviewed him to learn more about his recent video, Underwater World, his creative process and his perspectives.

The reconstruction of an ichthyosaur
The reconstruction of an ichthyosaur

Creating a life-size model of an ichthyosaur

Geologists at Lund University have created a life-size reconstruction of an ichthyosaur, a dolphin-like reptile that existed in the Early Triassic to Late Cretaceous era.

The team made use of existing fish-lizard research that spanned 300 years, as well as fossils that comprised not only bones and teeth, but also soft tissues like skin, muscles, fat and pigment.