Malta & Gozo

British U class submarine HMS URGE under way.

Wreck of WWII British submarine found off Malta

HMS Urge—part of Britain's 10th Submarine Flotilla—left the Mediterranean island of Malta on April 27, 1942 but never made it to its destination of the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Until its discovery this summer, the reason for both the ship's disappearance and its final resting place were unknown. The discovery of HMS Urge suggests it sank in 1942 after hitting an explosive marine mine placed by an enemy German warship.

Malta's Deep-Water Wrecks

Diver on wreck of the Polynesian, Malta (45-65m)

Ranging from calm shore dives for beginner divers to technical diving on elusive, unmarked wreck sites, which can only be found via depth sounder—diving in Malta has it all. Just beyond Malta’s dramatic underwater landscapes of strange rock formations, chimneys and caves, visitors can discover Malta’s intriguing and piquant past.

Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia (left) visited the Hyperbaric Unit in Gozo that is once again fully operational
Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia (left) visited the Hyperbaric Unit in Gozo that is once again fully operational

Deco chamber on Gozo now operational

This service both sustain the diving industry in Gozo and also serves to provide hyperbaric oxygen therapy to the Gozo General Hospital patients.

The Ministry for Health is also planning to train two further doctors in hyperbaric medicine at the GGH.

HMS Olympus taking in supplies in Malta, just before Christmas 1941.

Divers locate HMS Olympus off Malta

The British submarine HMS Olympus, sank in 1942 at the height of the siege of Malta and is one of the most historic wrecks off the coast of this island.

The discovery of the wreck completes a historic and tragic story. During the height of the German and Italian blockade of Malta, the British Navy fought a constant battle to keep the valiant Island supplied with food, fuel and war supplies. Submarines were an essential part of this operation, both in bringing in supplies and defending the merchant shipping.