Wrecks & Archaeology

4D photogrammetry model of USS Harder (SS 257) wreck site by The Lost 52 Project.
4D photogrammetry model of USS Harder (SS 257) wreck site by The Lost 52 Project.

Legendary US World War II Submarine USS Harder Located off Philippines

The wreck of the USS Harder, a United States submarine renowned for its heroic actions during World War II, has been located off the coast of the Philippines. Lying at a depth of 3,000 feet, this find marks a poignant moment in naval history, bringing closure to a chapter that has remained open since the submarine was lost in 1944.

Buddy Dive Resort Celebrates 40 Years of Hilma Hooker Diving with Hilma Hooker Week

The event takes place from September 7th to September 14th, 2024.

The Hilma Hooker is one of the most well-known and favorite (wreck) dives on Bonaire. The wreck is in great shape and easily accessible from shore, as well as by boat, making it the favorite wreck in the Caribbean for many. 

The Hilma Hooker was built in 1951 in The Netherlands under the name Midsland. after changing names many times, it ended up on Bonaire in June 1984. 

Shipwreck "Adella Shores" Found After 112 Years

Shipwreck "Adella Shores" Found in Lake Superior After 112 Years

The "Adella Shores" disappeared in 1909 during a routine voyage across Lake Superior, carrying a crew of 14 and a full cargo. Despite extensive searches, no trace was found until now. The shipwreck was uncovered using modern sonar technology, revealing the ship almost perfectly preserved on the lake’s cold, dark floor.

The different types of amphorae found in the wreck. The top two are the Almagro 51c type while the bottom ones are (from left) the flat-bottom and the Ses Fontanelles I.

New Type of Amphora Found in Roman Shipwreck

The ship, called Ses Fontanelles, sank off the coast of Mallorca, Spain, and was discovered in 2019. It had travelled from Cartagena in southeastern Spain and was carrying various goods stored in amphorae when it sank.

New type

Among the cargo, archaeologists found a new type of amphora, larger and heavier than the others, which was used for transporting plant oil. This type was named Ses Fontanelles I, after the ship. The amphorae were found in the ship's centre and stern, while smaller containers were located near the bow and sides.


WRECKS4ALL 2.0 Conference

The Adriatic Sea holds a wealth of underwater archaeological sites, from ancient shipwrecks to submerged archaeological landscapes. With the increasing interest in maritime cultural heritage, there is a growing need for responsible and sustainable management of these precious resources. 

The conference titled "The Future of the Adriatic Past - Challenges of the Adriatic Underwater Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Tourism Development" will take place on April 23, 2024, at Hotel Cattaro in Kotor.

The steamship Portland sank off the coast of Massachusetts in 1898. Portland lies upright on a mud bottom with its wooden hull nearly intact from the keel up to the main deck level. The vessel's entire superstructure is missing, with only the steam propulsion machinery protruding above deck level.

US Calls on Fishermen to Help Preserve Historic Wrecks

NOAA has called on fishermen to play a key role in preserving underwater historical treasures. To protect these maritime time capsules, NOAA has stressed the importance of avoiding fishing activities around known shipwreck sites

There are more than 200 wrecks in the sanctuary, according to NOAA, which specifically mentioned the World War II minesweeper USS Heroic, the trawler Josephine Marie and the 55ft North Star, along with eight unna

Steamship Milwaukee

1886 Steamship 'Milwaukee' Found Remarkably Intact in Lake Michigan

The Michigan Shipwreck Research Association (MSRA) has uncovered the remarkably preserved steamship Milwaukee, which vanished in 1886 after a collision and has been resting in 360ft (100m) of water for over a century.

MSRA located the Milwaukee in June 2023 using side-scan sonar and documented it extensively with an ROV. Still, the discovery was only revealed to an enthralled audience in a live announcement during their annual film festival.

A National Park Service diver documents one of five coral-encrusted cannons found during a recent archeological survey in Dry Tortugas National Park

Florida Shipwreck Identified as the 50-Gun Frigate HMS Tyger

Maritime historians and archaeologists, following years of meticulous research and underwater exploration, have confirmed the identity of the HMS Tyger. The ship, originally launched in 1741, played a pivotal role in British naval operations before succumbing to a fiery end in 1742.

The SS Nemesis disappeared during an intense storm in July 1904 as it was transporting coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Australia.
The SS Nemesis disappeared during an intense storm in July 1904 as it was transporting coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Australia.

SS Nemesis Wreck Uncovered: Solving a 120-Year Maritime Mystery

The discovery, which resolved over a century of mystery surrounding the ship's location, occurred during a standard environmental survey.

The SS Nemesis, constructed in 1873, was a cargo steamer that encountered its premature demise during a ferocious storm in 1901. Since that time, the wreck's position had remained an enigmatic puzzle, baffling historians and the crew's descendants alike. Its unveiling not only concludes a historical narrative but also heralds a new chapter in Australia's extensive maritime legacy.