
Signature Traits: Contributors' Picks

Photo by Gary Rose: Great hammerhead shark (previous page), Bimini, Bahama Islands. The shape of the cephalofoil (head) and the huge dorsal fin are quick identifiers. Gear: Nikon D500 camera, Tokina 10-17mm lens at 17mm, Nauticam housing, Inon Z-330 strobes. Exposure: ISO 400, f/11, 1/125s.

We asked our contributors to share their favorite underwater images that showcase the distinctive features of various underwater creatures, and they returned with a broad selection of macro and wide-angle shots featuring a variety of marine life, from majestic sharks and sea turtles to tiny nudibranchs and crustaceans.

Buddy Dive Adds Extra Week to Bonaire TeK!

Buddy Dive TeK is adding an extra week to Bonaire TeK! 

Bonaire Tek is THE tec diving event on Bonaire, attracting tec divers from all over the world and manufacturers of the best gear in the industry. 

This year, Bonaire TeK takes place from September 28 – October 5, 2024. Because of the huge success of the event, Buddy Dive TeK is adding an extra CCR week to Bonaire TeK! 

ADEX Tokyo 24



Event dates
2024-10-25 - 2024-10-27

In conjunction with the annual Asahi Shimbun’s Good Life Fair, ASIA DIVE EXPO JAPAN 2024 will make its inaugural appearance in 2024! 

In recent years, the Good Life Fair has become a hub for businesses and consumers alike to get the latest in products, services, and enjoy a whole range of events and activities that promote food, health and beauty, fashion, hobbies and leisure, and tourism, among others.

Transparent & Translucent: Contributors’ Picks

Photo by Kate Jonker: Translucent strawberry anemones, Corynactis annulata, can be made to glow by lighting with a snoot positioned above and slightly behind them. Simon’s Town, South Africa. Gear: Canon EOS 7D Mark II camera, Canon EF 100mm macro lens, one Inon strobe with Marelux SOFT Pro snoot. Exposure: ISO 100, f/25, 1/250s

We asked our contributors to share their favorite underwater photos showing the transparent and translucent qualities of underwater creatures, and they came back with a range of macro and wide-angle shots featuring a variety of marine life.

When was this image taken?

An Innate Connection

Take a close look at this image. When was it taken? Last year, actually, but it could have been 60 years ago. It shows the beach where I spent most of my childhood summers, since I was a toddler, and where I have spent most of my summer holidays ever since. In the photo, it is as if time has stood still. Those kids playing on the sandbar could have been my brother and me as children.

Nurse sharks mating
Nurse sharks preparing to mate (Harold 'Wes' Pratt / Granted by source)

Proven: Marine Protected Areas Boost Shark Populations

The study, spanning 66 marine reserves across 37 countries worldwide, sheds light on the stark contrast in shark abundance between fully protected zones and areas open to industrial fishing. Reef-dwelling species such as Caribbean reef, grey reef, whitetip reef, and nurse sharks exhibited nearly double the population density within fully protected marine reserves compared to fishing-permitted zones.