
Mariah Opalek, at the water tanks where the research was conducted.

Coral growth depends on type of symbiotic algae they associate with

Scientists discover a surprising tradeoff in coral growth linked to the symbiotic algae they host. The research sheds light on the delicate balance that corals strike in adapting to rising ocean temperatures.

Corals derive much of their energy from the algae living within their soft tissue, and it appears that some symbiotic algae species help corals withstand warmer water better than others.

Pod of Burrunan dolphins at the ocean surface
Burrunan dolphins have been found to have high levels of toxicity in their system.

Critically endangered dolphins face unprecedented pollutant threat

In a joint study, scientists found alarming concentrations of PFAS chemicals in Victoria’s critically endangered Burrunan dolphins. 

These chemicals, widely used in food packaging, firefighting foam and non-stick cookware, are sometimes called “forever chemicals” as they almost never break down in the environment. 

Ebadon and Rising Seas: Building a Climate-Change Research Station

Gathering dead coral, which was used along with coconut shells as part of the cement for the building of the research station.
Gathering dead coral, which was used along with coconut shells as part of the cement for the building of the research station.

The distant northwestern Pacific island of Ebadon is one of the most pristine locations left on earth. It is also facing rapid and imminent destruction from increasing storm surge and overwash events driven by man-made climate change. The people of Ebadon, who contribute the least to climate change, will be among the first to be driven from their ancestral lands because of it.

A quick pass into view.

Enigmatic World of Shark and Ray Behaviour Unveiled

Elasmobranchs have become lucrative targets with the depletion of traditional fish stocks and the surge in the shark fin trade. Although, in recent decades, much scientific evidence has challenged traditional misconceptions, stereotyped media portrayals persist, and they hinder conservation efforts. So, this special issue was created to highlight the complex behaviour and cognition of sharks and rays.

Research shows how green sea turtles are affected by pollution.

Pollution aggravates gender imbalance of green sea turtles

In the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef, hundreds of female green sea turtles are born for every male, as a result of climate change. A study has found that pollution may further worsen this gender bias, pushing the species closer to extinction. 

Published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science, the findings describe how exposure to heavy metals like cadmium and antimony and certain organic contaminants can cause more female green sea turtles to be born.

Some of the coral bleaching that took place more than 90 metres before the ocean surface, in the Central Indian Ocean.

Ocean temperature rise caused coral bleaching at depths over 90m

In November 2019, researchers from University of Plymouth recorded unexpected evidence of coral bleaching more than 90 metres below the ocean surface. 

Describing their discovery as a "huge surprise," Dr Phil Hosegood, Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography at the University of Plymouth and lead on the project, said: "Deeper corals had always been thought of as being resilient to ocean warming, because the waters they inhabit are cooler than at the surface and were believed to remain relatively stable."