
Possible wreck of WW2 minisub located off Northern Ireland

Alex Attwood has banned diving at the site of the discovery near the Foyle Bridge. He said it was important that the wreck was not disturbed until it was positively identified.  "The wreck is in quite low water, it is quite accessible," Mr Attwood told the BBC.

BBC Northern Ireland Environment Correspondent Mike McKimm said that was unlikely to be a full-sized submarine.

"A German U-boat, for example, would sit almost 10m high and would have been visible, even at high tide in the Foyle, which has an average depth of just over 5m."

Bell Island Wrecks

Just knowing that Vikings started a settlement here a thousand years ago and that the first fishermen from Europe began arriving in the 1500’s adds to a sense of history that cloaks the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It’s a sense that I’m acutely aware of on this sunny day in June on board the vessel, Ocean Quest, as the skipper, Bill Flaherty, navigates across Conception Bay towards Bell Island.

Diving the Dead Sea

Having dived in plenty of spots around the world, I am always on the lookout for an unusual destination with unusual dives. It goes without saying that diving in the Dead Sea is not commonly found on the list of classic dives, and that’s what attracted me to it. The inland sea is located 425 meters below sea level. It is the deepest place on Earth.

(Filephoto) Hammerhead shark. The discovery that scalloped hammerheads are possibly two species is a result of genetic testing and counts of vertebrae.
(Filephoto) Hammerhead shark. The discovery that scalloped hammerheads are possibly two species is a result of genetic testing and counts of vertebrae.

New species of Hammerhead shark confirmed

Announcements in June, 2006 reported the discovery of a possible new species of hammerhead off the US eastern seaboard.

Nearly seven years ago, scientists from Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center sampling sharks caught on charter boats off Fort Lauderdale and South Carolina stumbled on a startling discovery: some of the sharks that looked like scalloped hammerheads were actually a different, unidentified species.

Adult female Bottlenose Dolphin with two young at side

Dolphins form open social networks

Richard Connor of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth tracked 120 males in the Shark Bay, Western Australia and found no evidence that dolphins form the groups to control either territory or sexual partners, suggesting their society is unusually open.

The researchers found no evidence that the large and complex social network in Shark Bay, comprising hundreds of bottlenose dolphins, is a closed group defended by males.

They also found no evidence that males defend smaller ranges or groups of females within this network.

Leatherback turtle hatchling

Sea turtles surfing ocean highway to safer habitat

Sea turtle hatchlings are in a world of danger as soon as they attempt to make their way from their nesting site on the sand to the ocean, where they will find food and eventually meet a mate, they face predators at every turn. The ocean isn't much kinder than the beach, as fish attack the baby turtles, and pollution and fishing nets threaten their survival as they grow.

Cuttlefish have the most acute polarization vision yet found in any animal, researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered
Cuttlefish have the most acute polarization vision yet found in any animal, researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered

Cuttlefish have HD polarization vision

Cuttlefish and their colorblind cousins, squid and octopus, see aspects of light, including polarized light, that are invisible to humans

Cephalopods are sensitive to the linear polarization characteristics of light. To examine if this polarization sensitivity plays a role in the predatory behaviour of cuttlefish, scientists from the University of Bristol examined the preference of cuttlefish Sepia officinalis when presented with fish whose polarization reflection was greatly reduced versus fish whose polarization reflection was not affected.

Skills for Technical Diving

Learning to dive involves learning a new set of skills. Mask clearing, buoyancy control, regulator recovery and all the other skills that you learn on an open water course are essential for dealing with the underwater world. As a diver progresses through diving they learn additional skills such as using a drysuit, wreck diving or how to rescue their buddy. With technical diving there are again some new skills that need to be learnt.