Octopus & Squid

Cuddly creatures with more than two arms

Researchers use squid ink to diagnose gum disease

To diagnose gum disease, dentists insert a thin metal probe between the tooth and gum to measure the amount of gum that has shrunk back from the tooth. The depth to which the tool can be inserted indicates the severity of the gum disease.

Apart from being invasive and uncomfortable, this method of diagnosis is sometimes painful for the patient. In addition, the measurements are viable, as the probe can measure only one portion of the tooth at a time.

Enter Jesse Jokerst.

Giant Australian Cuttlefish

The giant Australian cuttlefish (Sepia apama) is the largest cuttlefish in the world, reaching up to half a metre in total length and weighing in at around 11kg. Solitary animals, they are found all along the coastline of the southern half of Australia—from Central Queensland on the eastern coast, right around the bottom of the continent and up to Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia.

Cuttlefish are capable of changing colour and pattern (including the polarization of the reflected light as well as the texture of the skin.

Cuttlefish can go into electric stealth mode

Sharks home in on faint bioelectric fields generated by the bodies of their prey which they pick up using sensitive detectors on their snouts.

When researchers from Duke University showed captive cuttlefish held in a tank videos depicting the menacing silhouettes of a shark or predatory grouper fish they reacted by lowering the electric field dramatically. Being shown the shadow of a harmless crab produced no reaction.

Chambered nautilus

Vanuatu: A Dive with a Living Fossil at Penama Island

Look up a chambered nautilus in a book or on the web will reveal they are in the same class of mollusks as octopuses, squid and cuttlefish. The first thing that sets this cephalopod apart from the rest of the group is that the nautilus date back more than 500 million years, and were once the dominant form of life in the ocean. And to share a night dive with one of these true living fossils is a very fortunate event.

Common Octopus

New study deciphers octopus locomotion

Researchers from Jerusalem’s Hebrew University have filmed crawling octopuses to learn how the animals utilized their flexible arms when they move. Until now, scientists have struggled to understand how their elaborate crawling movements are coordinated. The answer proved remarkably simple: they just choose which arm to use to push themselves along without a trace of rhythm.

Cuttlefish have the most acute polarization vision yet found in any animal, researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered
Cuttlefish have the most acute polarization vision yet found in any animal, researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered

Cuttlefish have HD polarization vision

Cuttlefish and their colorblind cousins, squid and octopus, see aspects of light, including polarized light, that are invisible to humans

Cephalopods are sensitive to the linear polarization characteristics of light. To examine if this polarization sensitivity plays a role in the predatory behaviour of cuttlefish, scientists from the University of Bristol examined the preference of cuttlefish Sepia officinalis when presented with fish whose polarization reflection was greatly reduced versus fish whose polarization reflection was not affected.