New training agency for disabled divers

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New training agency for disabled divers

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DDI stands for Disabled Divers International, a new organisation specialised in scuba dive training for people with a physical or mental challenge. We train scuba professionals how to instruct people with special needs. In addition, DDI has its own multi-level certification system, allowing scuba professionals and recreational divers with a physical or mental challenge to get certified.

Although the organisation is very new in the industry, our board and trainers have years of experience in this challenging, rewarding, though not so very different way of scuba diving.

Fraser Bathgate, President of DDI, a wheelchair user himself, Course Director and scuba instructor for different organisations has developed several scuba diving programmes over the years. Flemming Thyge, Vice-President of DDI and PADI Course Director. Each one of the board members and trainers gained years of experience from different angles and in different parts of the world. However, we all share the passion; scuba diving should be for all.

DDI is a worldwide organisation and has connections with other professional scuba dive training organisation, rehabilitation centres and other companies. We are independent, though work close together with many other organisations.

Collaboration is one of the key values we pursue. Together we are stronger and achieve more. Other key values of DDI are respect and passion. Respect for each other, respect for the limitations one may have and respect for the environment. Passion we have for scuba diving, learning more, defeating challenges and even to discover and to do research on improved physical and/or mental conditions that people with a disability may experience when they start scuba diving.

Like other sports, scuba diving can contribute to someone’s physical and mental condition. Contrary to many other sports, scuba diving is virtually accessible to anybody. The natural buoyancy empowers disabled divers to discover an improvement of their health condition. Scuba diving works wonders! It can even be used for rehabilitation purposes.

To learn more about scuba diving training for people with a physical or mental challenge, contact us at or visit our website
