Joseph R. Tomelleri Portfolio

Pumpkinseed, by Joseph R. Tomelleri. Giclée print, 8 x 10in (~20 x 25cm), signed and numbered limited edition of 200. This freshwater sunfish typically measures 4in (10cm) in length.

Rendered for scientific accuracy, the brilliantly detailed and colorful illustrations of fish by American artist Joseph R. Tomelleri have appeared in over a thousand publications. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist, who is based in Leawood, Kansas, to learn more about his artwork and his perspectives.

Art Inspired by Underwater Images

Two nudibranches in photo (left) and abstract marker painting (right) by Olga Torrey

Underwater photographer and regular contributor Olga Torrey talks about how fine art and photography can influence each other, as she illustrates in her recent works undertaken in the X-Ray Mag Photo Challenge, which asks participants, who are homebound during the coronavirus lockdown, to recreate an underwater image they have taken with objects found around the home or things they can photograph from their windows.