Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is a species of kelp (large brown algae)

Kelp forests help the climate

Kelp is an ecologically and economically important foundation species in California, where forests line nutrient-rich, rocky bottom coasts. It also might alleviate acidification caused by too much atmospheric carbon being absorbed by the seas.

A new interdisciplinary analysis of giant kelp in Monterey Bay off the coast of California shows that near the ocean’s surface, the water was less acidic, suggesting the kelp canopy does reduce acidity.

Waterproof D3 Ergo

The D3 Ergo is a further development of the Expedition Drysuit EX2. It has the same characteristics but has a strong tri-lam fabric instead of the EX2 breathable membrane. In addition, the D3 is derived from a military suit, and as such, it is designed for unrestricted mobility, both above and below the surface. Soft, flexible neoprene boots and a plastic zipper keeps the weight down. The whole suit—including valves, boots, seals and suspenders—weighs only 4.1kg.

Santi 303 Thermovalve

The Santi 303 Thermovalve is a new connector between an external battery and a heated undergarment. This valve replaces the standard inlet valve serving a dual function. The valve has a rotating head, which is able to turn 270 degrees, offering a much higher degree of freedom when routing the cable.