Master Liveaboards has announced a brand-new identity, website and e-commerce platform

Master Liveaboards has announced a brand-new identity, website and e-commerce platform. This is momentous news for their customers as they now accept live bookings 24/7 - with immediate confirmations.  B2B customers can also make bookings and place their selections on option via the company’s Diving Portal.

The fin whale, also known as the finback whale, is the second-largest species on Earth after the blue whale.

Whales expand their distribution

Four of the six baleen whale species found in the western North Atlantic Ocean (humpback, sei, fin and blue) have changed their distribution patterns in the past decade.

Using 281 passive acoustic recorders moored to the sea floor from the Caribbean Sea to Greenland, researchers from the United States and Canada monitored the movements of the whales from 2004 to 2014. The findings of their study was published in the Global Change Biology journal.

Pod of belugas playing in the cool productive waters of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and Franz Josef Land, Russia

Beluga whales form extensive social networks

Belugas are gregarious, highly sociable and they regularly form small groups, or pods, which may contain between two and 25 individuals, with an average of 10 members.

Pods tend to be unstable, meaning individuals tend to move from pod to pod. Their behaviour, which includes sophisticated vocal repertoires, suggest that this marine mammal lives in complex societies. It has long been thought belugas formed social bonds around females that primarily comprise closely related individuals from the same maternal lineage, but this hypothesis has never been documented.

Natural bleaching susceptibility is manifested in the biochemistry of both the coral and its algal symbiont.

Unravelling how some corals resist bleaching

Researchers at Michigan State University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa have been uncovering clues as to why some corals bleach while others are resistant, information that could help reefs better weather warming waters in the future.

The team analysed the biochemistry of corals using mass spectrometers to understand what set resistant corals apart from susceptible ones. The scientists found that two different communities of algae lived within the corals. Inside the algae cells were compounds known as lipids.